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Поиск по сайту
Скрипт генератора карты сайта
Этот пример класса строит карту сайта на основании дерева каталогов текущего сайта. Бесполезен для динамических сайтов.
* Class to generate the sitemap ( output a dir structure)
* Thsi class outputs the result in XMl or displays the result on the browser
* @author Rochak Chauhan
class Sitemap
private $_dirArray = [] ;
private $_fileArray = [] ;
private $_dirName = '/';
private $_nameArray = [];
private static $_flag = true;
private $_nodeFlag = true;
private $_dom = '';
private $_root = '';
private $_fileNode = '';
private $_dirNode = '';
private $_childDirNode = '';
* Contruction fucntion
* @param string $dirName
* @return void
public function __construct($dirName)
if (trim($dirName) != '') $this->_dirName = trim($dirName);
* Function to convert time in secs into mins
* @param $timeInSec int
* $return string
public function convertSecToMins($timeInSec)
if( $timeInSec < 60 )
if( $timeInSec > 1)
$secString = "secs";
$secString = "sec";
$timeTaken = "$timeInSec $secString";
$seconds = ($timeInSec % 60);
$minutes = ($timeInSec/60);
$minutes = sprintf("%01.0f", $minutes);
if( $minutes > 1)
$minString = "mins";
$minString = "min";
if( $seconds > 1)
$secString = "secs";
$secString = "sec";
$timeTaken = "$minutes $minString $seconds $secString";
return trim($timeTaken);
* Function to read a directory recursively and finds a string in all the files.
* it also returns the number of times a sting was found in a file
* @param $path string
* @return mixed
public function readDirectory($path = '')
if (trim($path) == '') $path = $this->_dirName;
$returnArray = [];
$handle = @opendir($path);
while ($file = @readdir($handle) )
if (is_dir($path.$file) && $file != "." && $file != "..")
{ $sub_dir = $path . $file . "/" ;
array_push($this->_dirArray, $sub_dir);
elseif (is_file($path.$file) && $file != "." && $file != "..")
{ $sub_dir = $path . $file ;
array_push($this->_fileArray, $sub_dir);
$returnArray = array($this->_dirArray, $this->_fileArray );
return $returnArray;
* This function generates the sitemap
* @return mixed
public function generateXmlSiteMap($writeToFile = false)
{ $mainArray = $this->readDirectory('');
$fileArray = $mainArray[1];
for ($i=0; $i < count($fileArray); $i++)
{ $fileName = trim(substr(strrchr($fileArray[$i], '/'), 1));
$dirName = trim(str_replace($fileName, '', $fileArray[$i]));
$foldersInRootDir = $this->getFoldersInRootDir();
foreach ($this->_nameArray as $name=>$key)
{ $this->generateNodes($name, $key , $foldersInRootDir);
if ($writeToFile)
{ $fp = fopen('xmlOutput.xml', 'w+') or die("<B>ERROR: </B> Failed to open file for writing.");
fwrite($fp, $this->_dom->saveXML()) or die("<B>ERROR: </B> Failed to write contents to the file.");
echo "Content written to file: <a href='xmlOutput.xml'> Click to open.</a>";
{ return $this->_dom->saveXML();
* This function generates the nodes
* @param string $name
* @param array $foldersInRootDir
* @param array $key
* @return void
private function generateNodes($name, $key, $foldersInRootDir)
$childDirArray = $this->getChildDir($name);
/*echo "<pre>";
echo $name."<br>";
echo "<HR>";*/
if (in_array($name, $foldersInRootDir))
$this->createDirNode('dirname', $name);
for ($i=0; $i < count($key); $i++)
$this->createFileNode('filenode', $key[$i]);
if (count($childDirArray))
for ($i=0; $i < count($childDirArray); $i++)
$this->createDirNode('dirname', $childDirArray[$i], true);
$this->generateNodes($childDirArray[$i], $key, $this->_dirArray);
* This fucntion creates the instance of DOM Xml object
* @return void
private function startDomXml($rootNodeName)
$this->_dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$this->_dom->formatOutput = true;
$this->_root = $this->_dom->createElement($rootNodeName);
$this->_root = $this->_dom->appendChild($this->_root);
* This function creates a dir node in the xml file
* @param string $dirNode
* @return void
private function createDirNode($dirNode, $value, $isChildNode = false, $appendToChildNode = false)
if (!is_object($this->_dom))
die ("<B>ERROR:</B> Cannot call fucntion: ".__FUNCTION__." without creating dom xml object");
if ($appendToChildNode)
$node = $this->_childDirNode;
$node = $this->_dirNode;
if ($isChildNode)
$this->_childDirNode = $this->_dom->createElement($dirNode, $value);
$this->_childDirNode = $node->appendChild($this->_childDirNode);
$this->_dirNode = $this->_dom->createElement($dirNode, $value);
$this->_dirNode = $this->_root->appendChild($this->_dirNode);
* This function creates a file node in the xml file
* @param string $fileNode
* @return void
private function createFileNode($fileNode, $value, $appendToChildNode = false)
if (!is_object($this->_dom))
die ("<B>ERROR:</B> Cannot call fucntion: ".__FUNCTION__." without creating dom xml object");
if ($appendToChildNode)
$this->_fileNode = $this->_dom->createElement($fileNode, $value);
$this->_fileNode = $this->_childDirNode->appendChild($this->_fileNode);
$this->_fileNode = $this->_dom->createElement($fileNode, $value);
$this->_fileNode = $this->_dirNode->appendChild($this->_fileNode);
* This function returns the names of the folder inside the parent dir
* @param string $parentDir
* @access private
* @return array
public function getChildDir($parentDir)
$returnArray = [];
foreach ($this->_dirArray as $tmp)
if (substr_count($tmp, $parentDir))
$dirToBeAdded = substr($tmp, (strpos($tmp, $parentDir)+strlen($parentDir)) ) ;
if ( trim($dirToBeAdded) != '' && substr_count($dirToBeAdded, '/') == 1)
$returnArray[] = $parentDir.$dirToBeAdded;
return $returnArray;
* This function returns the name(s) of all folders in the root/parent dir
* @param string $rootdir
* @return array
private function getFoldersInRootDir()
$returnArray = [];
foreach ($this->_dirArray as $dir)
$tmpArray = explode('/', $dir);
if (isset($tmpArray[1]))
{ if (!in_array($this->_dirName.$tmpArray[1]."/", $returnArray))
array_push($returnArray, $this->_dirName.$tmpArray[1]."/");
return $returnArray;
* This function populated the array for dir/file
* @param array $dirName
* @return void
private function populateArray($dirName)
$fileArray = $this->_fileArray;
for ($i=0; $i < count($fileArray); $i++)
$dirPath = substr($fileArray[$i], 0, strrpos($fileArray[$i], '/')).'/';
if (trim($dirName) == trim($dirPath))
$tempArray[] = trim(str_replace($dirPath, '', $fileArray[$i]));
$this->_nameArray[$dirName] = $tempArray;
А здесь можно построить карту сайта
Здесь можно купить и скачать скрипт поиска по сайту + генератора карты сайта
Здесь можно скачать PHP скрипт генератора карты сайта