Показывает точку на карте по переданным координатам

// These are the coordinates the location we wish to plot.
// These are being passed in the URL, but we will set them to a 
// default if nothing is passed.

if(empty($long))$long = -63.10774861954596;
if(empty($lat)) $lat = 46.2899306519141;

// First we load the background/base map. We assume it's located in same dir

// as the script.
// This can be any format but we are using JPG in this example
// We will also allocate the color for the marker 

$im = imagecreatefromjpeg("earth.jpg");
$red = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255,0,0);

// Next need to find the base image size.
// We need these variables to be able scale the long/lat coordinates.

$scale_x = imagesx($im);
$scale_y = imagesy($im); 

$pt = getlocationcoords($lat, $long, $scale_x, $scale_y);

// Now mark the point on the map using a red 4 pixel rectangle 

imagestring($im,2,1,$scale_y-20,"Courtesy of www.staycanada.ca",$red);

// Return the map image. We are using a PNG format as it gives better final image quality than a JPG
header("Content-Type: image/png");

function getlocationcoords($lat, $lon, $width, $height)
    $x = (($lon + 180) * ($width / 360));
    $y = ((($lat * -1) + 90) * ($height / 180));
    return array("x"=>round($x),"y"=>round($y));
// Now we convert the long/lat coordinates into screen coordinates

Результат выполнения:

Следующий пример считывает из файла координаты и наносит их все на карту:

$coord_array = file("coord.txt");

$im = imagecreatefromjpeg("pic/earth_620.jpg");
$red = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255,0,0);

$scale_x = imagesx($im);
$scale_y = imagesy($im); 

foreach($coord_array as $value)
    $co = explode(" ",$value);
    $pt = getlocationcoords($co[0], $co[1], $scale_x, $scale_y);

header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");

function getlocationcoords($lat, $lon, $width, $height)
    $x = (($lon + 180) * ($width / 360));
    $y = ((($lat * -1) + 90) * ($height / 180));
    return array("x"=>round($x),"y"=>round($y));

Структура файла coord.txt:

-4.2333333 152.2 
-4.2333333 152.2 
45.0333333 147.9166667 
13.4833333 -88.5166667 
