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Получение информации об IP-адресе
Класс получает информацию об IP-адресе: страна, город и т.п. с сервера ip-adress.com. Можно делать не более 20 запросов с одного IP-адреса. В классе предусмотрена возможность использования прокси, чтобы обойти это ограничение.
| IpInfo
| ========================================
| by Seregwethrin
| Mail To: seregwethrin@gmail.com (send me bugs if found)
| ========================================
| > Finds city, country, isp, state, organization by ip address
| > Script written by Seregwethrin
| > Revision: 1.1
| > Date: 2007-02-10
| > Date started: 2007-01-20
| > This is a test script. I don't know anything about copyrights of ip-adress.com.
| > Get your permissions at ip-adress.com before using this script!
| > php_curl.dll MUST BE LOADED!
class ipinfo
var $remote_addr;
var $address;
var $country;
var $state;
var $city;
var $isp;
var $organization;
var $result;
function ipinfo()
//Save remote addr as class variable.
$this->remote_addr = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
if (!file_exists("ip_info_proxy.txt"))
die("Please upload ip_info_proxy.txt file and chmod it to 0777");
if (!is_writable("ip_info_proxy.txt"))
@chmod("ip_info_proxy.txt", 0777);
if (!is_writable("ip_info_proxy.txt"))
die("Please CHMOD ip_info_proxy.txt to 0777");
//Load curl extension if not loaded.
if (!extension_loaded('curl'))
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN')
if (!dl('php_curl.dll'))
die("Please read readme.txt and load curl extension");
if (!dl('curl.so'))
die("Please read readme.txt and load curl extension");
//Get datas between begin and end html codes.
function between($beg, $end, $str)
$a = explode($beg, $str, 2);
$b = explode($end, $a[1]);
return $b[0];
//Trim the codes between < and >, so trim html tags.
function trim_html($str)
return trim(preg_replace("/<([^>]+)>/", "", $str));
//Choose a proxy for connection
function get_proxy()
//Write more proxies. Each proxy gives you 20 query.'s mean is non-proxy.
//Write as ip:port
$proxy = array ("", "", "", "");
$txt = file_get_contents("ip_info_proxy.txt");
$txtx = [];
//Explode (generate array) the ip_info_proxy.txt datas
foreach (explode("\n", $txt) as $k=>$v)
list($txtx[$k]["proxy"], $txtx[$k]["date"], $txtx[$k]["used"]) = explode("-", $v);
//If proxy is not used for 24 hours, reset it.
foreach ($txtx as $k=>$v)
if ($v["date"] != date("d.m.Y"))
$txtx[$k]["date"] = date("d.m.Y");
$txtx[$k]["used"] = 0;
//Choose a proxy for connection, and increase it's usage by 1.
foreach ($txtx as $k=>$v)
if ($v["used"] < 20)
$this->proxy = $v["proxy"];
//Generate write var for writing ip_info_proxy.txt
$write = "";
foreach ($txtx as $v)
if (in_array($v["proxy"], $proxy))
$write .= $v["proxy"]."-".$v["date"]."-".$v["used"]."\n";
foreach ($proxy as $v)
if(!preg_match('/'.$v.'/', $write))
$write .= $v."-".date("d.m.Y")."-0\n";
//Write it
$fp = fopen("ip_info_proxy.txt", "w+");
fwrite($fp, trim($write));
function check($ip = false, $proxy=false)
if ($ip == false) //If ip not given, use remote_addr (client's ip)
$ip = $this->remote_addr;
if ($proxy != false) //If proxy is given, use it.
$this->proxy = $proxy;
else //If proxy is not given, get a proxy
$postfields = "iq=".urlencode($ip)."&submit=".urlencode("lookup any ip");
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.ip-adress.com/index.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "http://www.ip-adress.com");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, "60");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)");
if ($this->proxy && $this->proxy != "")
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->proxy); //Use the proxy!
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1);
$html = curl_exec($ch);
if($html && $html != "1")
$this->address = $this->trim_html($this->between("My ip address:</font>","</font>", $html));
$this->country = $this->trim_html($this->between("IP country:</font>","</font>", $html));
$this->state = $this->trim_html($this->between("IP state:</font>","</font>", $html));
$this->city = $this->trim_html($this->between("IP city:</font>","</font>", $html));
$this->isp = $this->trim_html($this->between("isp:</font>","</font>", $html));
$this->organization = $this->trim_html($this->between("organization:</font>","</font>", $html));
$this->result = "ok"; //Success!
elseif ($html == "1")
$this->result = "This ip/proxy has reached limit for this day! (20 query)"; //Fail use more proxies
$this->result = "Can't get the page!"; //Fail :(
| IpInfo Proxy Checker
| ========================================
| by Seregwethrin
| Mail To: seregwethrin@gmail.com (send me bugs if found)
| ========================================
| > Check proxies for ip-adress.com
| > Script written by Seregwethrin
| > Revision: 1
| > Date: 2007-02-10
| > Date started: 2007-02-10
<title>Proxy Checker for IPinfo by Seregwethrin</title>
<h1 align="center">Proxy Checker for IP-Info</h1>
<h3 align="center">Will check (Google.com) :)</h3>
<p align="center">Use this, before query 20 ips different from yours at
<a href="http://www.ip-adress.com" target="_blank">ip-adress.com</a><br>
<small>Because some transparent proxies can't hide your ip but some can.</small></p>
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<table width="200" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="5">
<td align="center">
<input name="proxy" type="text" id="proxy" size="24"
onFocus="if (this.value == 'Write Proxy Here as ip:port') this.value = '';"
onBlur="if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Write Proxy Here as ip:port';"
value="Write Proxy Here as ip:port" /></td>
<td align="center"><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Check" /></td>
if (@$_GET["submit"])
$ipinfo = new ipinfo;
$ipinfo->check("", $_GET["proxy"]);
if ($ipinfo->result == "ok")
echo '<center><img src="http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/1179/afftickwd7.gif" border="0" />
this proxy is usefull.</center>';
echo '<center><img src="http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/9692/affcrossul4.gif" border="0" />
Sorry but there\'s an error with this proxy.<br>
<small><i>Error is:'.$ipinfo->result.'</i></small></center>';
echo "<center><br><br>IP Address:".$ipinfo->address;
echo "<br>Country:".$ipinfo->country;
echo "<br>State:".$ipinfo->state;
echo "<br>City:".$ipinfo->city;
echo "<br>ISP:".$ipinfo->isp;
echo "<br>Organization:".$ipinfo->organization;
echo "<br>Result:".$ipinfo->result;
echo "<br><b>Proxy:</b>".$_GET["proxy"]."</center>";
Для работы нужно подготовить файл ip_info_proxy.txt со списком Proxy серверов