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Столбцовая 3х-мерная диаграмма
// This part of the code is the same as the other
// graph example
$values = array("23","32","38","57","12",
$columns = count($values);
$width = 200;
$height = 100;
$column_width = floor($width / $columns) ;
$padding = min(max($padding,1),$column_width);
$im = imagecreate($width,$height);
$r = 0xaf;
$g = 0xaf;
$b = 0xaf;
// Create the colors.
$gray = imagecolorallocate ($im,$r,$g,$b);
$gray_lite = imagecolorallocate ($im,$r+40,$g+40,$b+40);
$gray_dark = imagecolorallocate ($im,$r-20,$g-20,$b-20);
$white = imagecolorallocate ($im,0xff,0xff,0xff);
$maxv = 0;
// The first change - we need to reduce the maximum height
// of the columns to allow for the vertical effect.
$max_height=$height - $column_width;
for($i=0;$i<$columns;$i++)$maxv = max($values[$i],$maxv);
$column_height = ($max_height / 100) * (( $values[$i] / $maxv) *100);
$x1 = $i*$column_width;
$y1 = $height-$column_height;
$x2 = (($i+1)*$column_width)-$padding;
$y2 = $height;
// Draw the main columm
// This is the offset for the 3D angle
$offset = ($column_width-$padding) / 2;
// Create an array for the top part of the column
$pt = array($x1,$y1,
// Now draw it.
// Create the side of the column
$pt = array($x2,$y1,
// And draw that part too
// return the image using imagepng or imagejpeg.
Источник: http://code.web-max.ca/image_3Dgraph.php