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Создание архивов GZip
Класс для работы с архивовами GZip
gzip - PHP gzip compression library
Version 1.3
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Moiseenko V. Maxim <m.moiseenko@sys4tec.com>
All Rights Reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or any
later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
License for more details.
Official ZIP file format: http://www.pkware.com/appnote.txt
define("_GZIP_VER", 1.3);
define("_GZIP_BUILD", '03.04.2002');
class gzip {
# Array to store compressed data
# private string[]
var $_datasec = [];
# îòîáðàæàòü îòëàäî÷íîå èíôî.
# public boolean
var $debug = true;
* êîíñòðóêòîð êëàññà
* public void
function gzip(){
* Adds "file content" to archive
* public void
* string @data - file contents
* string @name - name of the file in the archive (may contains the path)
function add($data, $name){
$unc_len = strlen($data);
$crc = crc32($data);
$zdata = gzdeflate($data,9);
$c_len = strlen($zdata);
"\x1f". # ID1 1
"\x8B". # ID2 1
"\x08". # Compression Method "deflate" 1
"\x08". # FLaGs "FNAME" 1
"\x00\x00\x00\x00". # last mod time & date 4
"\x00". # eXtra FLags "2"-max "4"-fast 1
"\x00". # OS "\x00" - FAT 1
$name. # orig. file name var
"\x00". # zero term. 1
$this->_pack($crc, 4). # crc32 4
$this->_pack($unc_len, 4); # uncompressed filesize 4
$this->_datasec[] = $fr;
* ðàñïàêîâàâàåò ñîäåðæèìîå àðõèâà
* public object
function extract($name){
if(!file_exists($name))return null;
$fd = fopen($name,'rb');
if(! $content = fread($fd, filesize($name)) ) return null;
$ret = new stdClass;
# ìàññèâ äëÿ ðàñïàêîâàíîãî ñîäåðæèìîãî
$ret->part = [];
# óêàçàòåëü ïîçèöèè ÷òåíèÿ
# íîìåð ôàéëà
$fpointer = 0;
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head = [];
if("\x1f\x8b" != substr($content, $pointer,2) ){
$this->_debug("It's not .gzip format");
return null;
if("\x08" != substr($content, $pointer,1) ){
$this->_debug("Compression method must be 'deflate'");
return null;
# This flag byte is divided into individual bits as follows:
# bit 0 FTEXT
# bit 1 FHCRC
# bit 2 FEXTRA
# bit 3 FNAME
# bit 4 FCOMMENT
switch( substr($content, $pointer,1) ){
case "\x08":
# Modification time
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head['mod_time'] =
$this->_unpack( substr($content, $pointer,2) );
# Modification date
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head['mod_date'] =
$this->_unpack( substr($content, $pointer,2) );
# eXtra FLags
# 2 - compressor used maximum compression, slowest algorithm
# 4 - compressor used fastest algorithm
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head['xfl'] =
$this->_unpack( substr($content, $pointer,1) );
# Operating System
# 0 - FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)
# 3 - Unix
# 7 - Macintosh
# 11 - NTFS filesystem (NT)
# 255 - unknown
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head['os'] = $this->_unpack( substr($content, $pointer,1) );
#file name
for($ret->part[$fpointer]->head['file_name']=""; substr($content, $pointer,1) != "\x00"; $pointer++)
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head['file_name'] .= substr($content, $pointer,1);
# compressed blocks...
$zdata = substr($content, $pointer, -8);
$pointer = strlen($content) - 8;
# Cyclic Redundancy Check
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head['crc32'] =
$this->_unpack( substr($content, $pointer,4) );
# size of the original (uncompressed) input data modulo 2^32
$ret->part[$fpointer]->head['uncompressed_filesize'] =
$this->_unpack( substr($content, $pointer,4) );
# decompress data and store it at array
$ret->part[$fpointer]->body = gzinflate($zdata);
return null;
return $ret;
* Dumps out file
* public string - the gzipped file
function file(){
$data = implode('', $this->_datasec);
return $data;
* print error message
* public void
function _debug($str){
if($this->debug) echo $str;
* pack data into binary string
* private string
function _pack($val, $bytes=2){
for($ret='', $i=0; $i<$bytes; $i++, $val=floor($val/256) )
$ret .= chr($val % 256);
return $ret;
* unpack data from binary string
* private string
function _unpack($val){
for($len = strlen($val), $ret=0, $i=0; $i < $len; $i++)
$ret += (int)ord(substr($val,$i,1)) * pow(2, 8 * $i);
return $ret;
* добавляет содержимое файла в архив
* public boolean
function add_file($name, $binary=false){
if(!file_exists($name))return false;
$fd = $binary? fopen($name,'rb') : fopen($name,'r');
if(! $content = fread($fd, filesize($name)) )return false;
return true;
* создаёт .zip архив
* public int
function write_file($name){
$size = -1;
if( $fd=fopen($name,'wb') ){
$size = fwrite($fd,$this->file());
return $size;