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(PECL xdiff >= 0.2.0)
xdiff_string_bpatch — Patch a string with a binary diff
string xdiff_string_bpatch ( string $str , string $patch )Patches a string str with a binary patch. This function accepts patches created both via xdiff_string_bdiff() and xdiff_string_rabdiff() functions or their file counterparts.
Список параметров
str -
The original binary string.
patch -
The binary patch string.
Возвращаемые значения
Returns the patched string, or FALSE on error.
Смотрите также
- xdiff_string_bdiff() - Make binary diff of two strings
- xdiff_string_rabdiff() - Make binary diff of two strings using the Rabin's polynomial fingerprinting algorithm
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