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The WeakMap class
(PECL weakref >= 0.2.0)
Обзор классов
WeakMap implements Countable , ArrayAccess , Iterator {
/* Методы */
public __construct ( void )
public int count ( void )
public mixed current ( void )
public object key ( void )
public void next ( void )
public bool offsetExists ( object $object )
public mixed offsetGet ( object $object )
public void offsetSet ( object $object , mixed $value )
public void offsetUnset ( object $object )
public void rewind ( void )
public bool valid ( void )
Пример #1 Weakmap usage example
$wm = new WeakMap();
$o = new StdClass;
class A {
public function __destruct() {
echo "Dead!\n";
$wm[$o] = new A;
echo "Unsetting..\n";
echo "Done\n";
Результат выполнения данного примера:
- WeakMap::__construct — Constructs a new map
- WeakMap::count — Counts the number of live entries in the map
- WeakMap::current — Returns the current value under iteration
- WeakMap::key — Returns the current key under iteration.
- WeakMap::next — Advances to the next map element
- WeakMap::offsetExists — Checks whether a certain object is in the map
- WeakMap::offsetGet — Returns the value pointed to by a certain object
- WeakMap::offsetSet — Updates the map with a new key-value pair
- WeakMap::offsetUnset — Removes an entry from the map
- WeakMap::rewind — Rewinds the iterator to the beginning of the map
- WeakMap::valid — Returns whether the iterator is still on a valid map element
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Описание класса weakmap, примеры использования класса weakmap.
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