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The SWFTextField class
(Информация о версии неизвестна, возможно, только в SVN)
Обзор классов
SWFTextField {
/* Методы */
void SWFTextField::addChars ( string $chars )
void addString ( string $string )
void align ( int $alignement )
SWFTextField __construct ([ int $flags ] )
void setBounds ( float $width , float $height )
void setColor ( int $red , int $green , int $blue [, int $a = 255 ] )
void setFont ( SWFFont $font )
void setHeight ( float $height )
void setIndentation ( float $width )
void setLeftMargin ( float $width )
void setLineSpacing ( float $height )
void setMargins ( float $left , float $right )
void setName ( string $name )
void setPadding ( float $padding )
void setRightMargin ( float $width )
- SWFTextField->addChars — adds characters to a font that will be available within a textfield
- SWFTextField->addString — Concatenates the given string to the text field
- SWFTextField->align — Sets the text field alignment
- SWFTextField->__construct — Creates a text field object
- SWFTextField->setBounds — Sets the text field width and height
- SWFTextField->setColor — Sets the color of the text field
- SWFTextField->setFont — Sets the text field font
- SWFTextField->setHeight — Sets the font height of this text field font
- SWFTextField->setIndentation — Sets the indentation of the first line
- SWFTextField->setLeftMargin — Sets the left margin width of the text field
- SWFTextField->setLineSpacing — Sets the line spacing of the text field
- SWFTextField->setMargins — Sets the margins width of the text field
- SWFTextField->setName — Sets the variable name
- SWFTextField->setPadding — Sets the padding of this textfield
- SWFTextField->setRightMargin — Sets the right margin width of the text field
Описание класса swftextfield, примеры использования класса swftextfield.
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Описание на ru2.php.net
Описание на php.ru