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The SWFMorph class
(Информация о версии неизвестна, возможно, только в SVN)
The methods here are sort of weird. It would make more sense to just have newSWFMorph(shape1, shape2);, but as things are now, shape2 needs to know that it's the second part of a morph. (This, because it starts writing its output as soon as it gets drawing commands- if it kept its own description of its shapes and wrote on completion this and some other things would be much easier.)
Обзор классов
SWFMorph {
/* Методы */
__construct ( void )
SWFShape getShape1 ( void )
SWFShape getShape2 ( void )
- SWFMorph::__construct — Creates a new SWFMorph object
- SWFMorph::getShape1 — Gets a handle to the starting shape
- SWFMorph::getShape2 — Gets a handle to the ending shape
Описание класса swfmorph, примеры использования класса swfmorph.
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Описание на php.ru