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The SolrDocument class
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)
Represents a Solr document retrieved from a query response.
Обзор классов
final SolrDocument implements ArrayAccess , Iterator , Serializable {
/* Константы */
const integer SORT_DEFAULT = 1 ;
const integer SORT_ASC = 1 ;
const integer SORT_DESC = 2 ;
const integer SORT_FIELD_NAME = 1 ;
const integer SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT = 2 ;
const integer SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE = 4 ;
/* Методы */
public bool addField ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue )
public bool clear ( void )
public void __clone ( void )
public __construct ( void )
public SolrDocumentField current ( void )
public bool deleteField ( string $fieldName )
public void __destruct ( void )
public bool fieldExists ( string $fieldName )
public SolrDocumentField __get ( string $fieldName )
public SolrDocumentField getField ( string $fieldName )
public int getFieldCount ( void )
public array getFieldNames ( void )
public SolrInputDocument getInputDocument ( void )
public bool __isset ( string $fieldName )
public string key ( void )
public bool merge ( SolrDocument $sourceDoc [, bool $overwrite = true ] )
public void next ( void )
public bool offsetExists ( string $fieldName )
public SolrDocumentField offsetGet ( string $fieldName )
public void offsetSet ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue )
public void offsetUnset ( string $fieldName )
public bool reset ( void )
public void rewind ( void )
public string serialize ( void )
public bool __set ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue )
public bool sort ( int $sortOrderBy [, int $sortDirection = SolrDocument::SORT_ASC ] )
public array toArray ( void )
public void unserialize ( string $serialized )
public bool __unset ( string $fieldName )
public bool valid ( void )
Предопределенные константы
SolrDocument::SORT_DEFAULT - Default mode for sorting fields within the document.
SolrDocument::SORT_ASC - Sorts the fields in ascending order
SolrDocument::SORT_DESC - Sorts the fields in descending order
SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME - Sorts the fields by field name.
SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT - Sorts the fields by number of values in each field.
SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE - Sorts the fields by thier boost values.
- SolrDocument::addField — Adds a field to the document
- SolrDocument::clear — Drops all the fields in the document
- SolrDocument::__clone — Creates a copy of a SolrDocument object
- SolrDocument::__construct — Constructor
- SolrDocument::current — Retrieves the current field
- SolrDocument::deleteField — Removes a field from the document
- SolrDocument::__destruct — Destructor
- SolrDocument::fieldExists — Checks if a field exists in the document
- SolrDocument::__get — Access the field as a property
- SolrDocument::getField — Retrieves a field by name
- SolrDocument::getFieldCount — Returns the number of fields in this document
- SolrDocument::getFieldNames — Returns an array of fields names in the document
- SolrDocument::getInputDocument — Returns a SolrInputDocument equivalent of the object
- SolrDocument::__isset — Checks if a field exists
- SolrDocument::key — Retrieves the current key
- SolrDocument::merge — Merges source to the current SolrDocument
- SolrDocument::next — Moves the internal pointer to the next field
- SolrDocument::offsetExists — Checks if a particular field exists
- SolrDocument::offsetGet — Retrieves a field
- SolrDocument::offsetSet — Adds a field to the document
- SolrDocument::offsetUnset — Removes a field
- SolrDocument::reset — This is an alias to SolrDocument::clear()
- SolrDocument::rewind — Resets the internal pointer to the beginning
- SolrDocument::serialize — Used for custom serialization
- SolrDocument::__set — Adds another field to the document
- SolrDocument::sort — Sorts the fields in the document
- SolrDocument::toArray — Returns an array representation of the document
- SolrDocument::unserialize — Custom serialization of SolrDocument objects
- SolrDocument::__unset — Removes a field from the document
- SolrDocument::valid — Checks if the current position internally is still valid
User Contributed Notes
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Описание класса solrdocument, примеры использования класса solrdocument.
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