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The RarEntry class
(Информация о версии неизвестна, возможно, только в SVN)
A RAR entry, representing a directory or a compressed file inside a RAR archive.
Обзор классов
final RarEntry {
/* Константы */
const integer HOST_MSDOS = 0 ;
const integer HOST_OS2 = 1 ;
const integer HOST_WIN32 = 2 ;
const integer HOST_UNIX = 3 ;
const integer HOST_MACOS = 4 ;
const integer HOST_BEOS = 5 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_READONLY = 1 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_HIDDEN = 2 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SYSTEM = 4 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DIRECTORY = 16 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ARCHIVE = 32 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DEVICE = 64 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_NORMAL = 128 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_TEMPORARY = 256 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SPARSE_FILE = 512 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_REPARSE_POINT = 1024 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_COMPRESSED = 2048 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_OFFLINE = 4096 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ENCRYPTED = 16384 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_WIN_VIRTUAL = 65536 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_WORLD_WRITE = 2 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_WORLD_READ = 4 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_WRITE = 16 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_READ = 32 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_WRITE = 128 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_READ = 256 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_STICKY = 512 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETGID = 1024 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETUID = 2048 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET = 61440 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FIFO = 4096 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_CHAR_DEV = 8192 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_DIRECTORY = 16384 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCK_DEV = 24576 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_REGULAR_FILE = 32768 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINK = 40960 ;
const integer ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET = 49152 ;
/* Методы */
public bool extract ( string $dir [, string $filepath = '' [, string $password = NULL [, bool $extended_data = false ]]] )
public int getAttr ( void )
public string getCrc ( void )
public string getFileTime ( void )
public int getHostOs ( void )
public int getMethod ( void )
public string getName ( void )
public int getPackedSize ( void )
public resource getStream ([ string $password ] )
public int getUnpackedSize ( void )
public int getVersion ( void )
public bool isDirectory ( void )
public bool isEncrypted ( void )
public string __toString ( void )
Предопределенные константы
RarEntry Node Types
RarEntry::HOST_MSDOSIf the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs() equals this constant, MS-DOS was used to add this entry. Use instead of RAR_HOST_MSDOS.
RarEntry::HOST_OS2If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs() equals this constant, OS/2 was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_OS2.
RarEntry::HOST_WIN32If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs() equals this constant, Microsoft Windows was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_WIN32.
RarEntry::HOST_UNIXIf the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs() equals this constant, an unspecified UNIX OS was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_UNIX.
RarEntry::HOST_MACOSIf the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs() equals this constant, Mac OS was used to add this entry.
RarEntry::HOST_BEOSIf the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs() equals this constant, BeOS was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_BEOS.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_READONLYBit that represents a Windows entry with a read-only attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_HIDDENBit that represents a Windows entry with a hidden attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SYSTEMBit that represents a Windows entry with a system attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DIRECTORYBit that represents a Windows entry with a directory attribute (entry is a directory). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows. See also RarEntry::isDirectory(), which also works with entries that were not added in WinRAR.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ARCHIVEBit that represents a Windows entry with an archive attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DEVICEBit that represents a Windows entry with a device attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_NORMALBit that represents a Windows entry with a normal file attribute (entry is NOT a directory). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows. See also RarEntry::isDirectory(), which also works with entries that were not added in WinRAR.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_TEMPORARYBit that represents a Windows entry with a temporary attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SPARSE_FILEBit that represents a Windows entry with a sparse file attribute (file is an NTFS sparse file). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_REPARSE_POINTBit that represents a Windows entry with a reparse point attribute (entry is an NTFS reparse point, e.g. a directory junction or a mount file system). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_COMPRESSEDBit that represents a Windows entry with a compressed attribute (NTFS only). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_OFFLINEBit that represents a Windows entry with an offline attribute (entry is offline and not accessible). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXEDBit that represents a Windows entry with a not content indexed attribute (entry is to be indexed). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ENCRYPTEDBit that represents a Windows entry with an encrypted attribute (NTFS only). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_VIRTUALBit that represents a Windows entry with a virtual attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_WORLD_EXECUTEBit that represents a UNIX entry that is world executable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_WORLD_WRITEBit that represents a UNIX entry that is world writable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_WORLD_READBit that represents a UNIX entry that is world readable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_EXECUTEBit that represents a UNIX entry that is group executable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_WRITEBit that represents a UNIX entry that is group writable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_READBit that represents a UNIX entry that is group readable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_EXECUTEBit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner executable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_WRITEBit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner writable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_READBit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner readable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_STICKYBit that represents the UNIX sticky bit. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETGIDBit that represents the UNIX setgid attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETUIDBit that represents the UNIX setuid attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTETMask to isolate the last four bits (nibble) of UNIX attributes (_S_IFMT, the type of file mask). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constants RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FIFO, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_CHAR_DEV, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_DIRECTORY, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCK_DEV, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_REGULAR_FILE, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINK and RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FIFOUnix FIFOs will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_CHAR_DEVUnix character devices will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_DIRECTORYUnix directories will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET. See also RarEntry::isDirectory(), which also works with entries that were added in other operating systems.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCK_DEVUnix block devices will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_REGULAR_FILEUnix regular files (not directories) will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET. See also RarEntry::isDirectory(), which also works with entries that were added in other operating systems.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINKUnix symbolic links will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.
RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKETUnix sockets will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr() on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.
- RarEntry::extract — Extract entry from the archive
- RarEntry::getAttr — Get attributes of the entry
- RarEntry::getCrc — Get CRC of the entry
- RarEntry::getFileTime — Get entry last modification time
- RarEntry::getHostOs — Get entry host OS
- RarEntry::getMethod — Get pack method of the entry
- RarEntry::getName — Get name of the entry
- RarEntry::getPackedSize — Get packed size of the entry
- RarEntry::getStream — Get file handler for entry
- RarEntry::getUnpackedSize — Get unpacked size of the entry
- RarEntry::getVersion — Get minimum version of RAR program required to unpack the entry
- RarEntry::isDirectory — Test whether an entry represents a directory
- RarEntry::isEncrypted — Test whether an entry is encrypted
- RarEntry::__toString — Get text representation of entry
Описание класса rarentry, примеры использования класса rarentry.
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