
(PECL paradox >= 1.4.0)

px_timestamp2string — Converts the timestamp into a string.


string px_timestamp2string ( resource $pxdoc , float $value , string $format )

Turns a timestamp as it stored in the paradox file into human readable format. Paradox timestamps are the number of miliseconds since 0001-01-02. This function is just for convenience. It can be easily replaced by some math and the calendar functions as demonstrated in the following example.

Список параметров

pxdoc -

Resource identifier of the paradox database.

value -

Value as stored in paradox database field of type PX_FIELD_TIME, or PX_FIELD_TIMESTAMP.

format -

String format similar to the format used by date(). The placeholders support by this function is a subset of those supported by date() (Y, y, m, n, d, j, H, h, G, g, i, s, A, a, L).

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.


Пример #1 Turn a paradox timestamp into a human readable form
$px = px_new();
/* make up a date as it could be stored in */
/* a date field of a paradox db. */
/* 700000 days since 1.1.0000. */
$days = 700000;
/* Use the calendar functions to print a */
/* human readable format of the date */
echo jdtogregorian($days+1721425)."\n";
/* Turn it into a timestamp as it stored in a paradox database */
/* Timestamps are stored in miliseconds since 0001-01-02 */
$stamp = $days * 86400.0 * 1000.0;
/* Add one hour */
$stamp += 3600000.0;
/* The following will output '7/15/1917 01:00:00'. */
echo px_timestamp2string($px, $stamp, "n/d/Y H:i:s")."\n";

Результат выполнения данного примера:

7/15/1917 01:00:00

The Julian day count as passed to jdtogregorian() has a different base of 1.1.4714 b.c. and must therefore be calculated by adding 1721425 to the day count used in the paradox file. Turning the day count into a timestamp is easily done by multiplying with 86400000.0 to obtain miliseconds.

Смотрите также

  • px_date2string() - Converts a date into a string.
  • jdtogregorian() - Переводит число дней в Юлианском летоисчислении в дату по Григорианскому календарю

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