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The Phar class
(PHP >= 5.3.0, PECL phar >= 1.0.0)
The Phar class provides a high-level interface to accessing and creating phar archives.
Обзор классов
Phar extends RecursiveDirectoryIterator implements Countable , ArrayAccess {
/* Методы */
public void addEmptyDir ( string $dirname )
public void addFile ( string $file [, string $localname ] )
public void addFromString ( string $localname , string $contents )
final public static string apiVersion ( void )
public array buildFromDirectory ( string $base_dir [, string $regex ] )
public array buildFromIterator ( Iterator $iter [, string $base_directory ] )
final public static bool canCompress ([ int $type = 0 ] )
final public static bool canWrite ( void )
public object compress ( int $compression [, string $extension ] )
public bool compressAllFilesBZIP2 ( void )
public bool compressAllFilesGZ ( void )
public void compressFiles ( int $compression )
public __construct ( string $fname [, int $flags [, string $alias ]] )
public PharData convertToData ([ int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension ]]] )
public Phar convertToExecutable ([ int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension ]]] )
public bool copy ( string $oldfile , string $newfile )
public int count ( void )
final public static string createDefaultStub ([ string $indexfile [, string $webindexfile ]] )
public object decompress ([ string $extension ] )
public bool decompressFiles ( void )
public bool delMetadata ( void )
public bool delete ( string $entry )
public bool extractTo ( string $pathto [, string|array $files [, bool $overwrite = false ]] )
public mixed getMetadata ( void )
public bool getModified ( void )
public array getSignature ( void )
public string getStub ( void )
final public static array getSupportedCompression ( void )
final public static array getSupportedSignatures ( void )
public string getVersion ( void )
public bool hasMetadata ( void )
final public static void interceptFileFuncs ( void )
public bool isBuffering ( void )
public mixed isCompressed ( void )
public bool isFileFormat ( int $format )
final public static bool isValidPharFilename ( string $filename [, bool $executable = true ] )
public bool isWritable ( void )
final public static bool loadPhar ( string $filename [, string $alias ] )
final public static bool mapPhar ([ string $alias [, int $dataoffset = 0 ]] )
final public static void mount ( string $pharpath , string $externalpath )
final public static void mungServer ( array $munglist )
public bool offsetExists ( string $offset )
public int offsetGet ( string $offset )
public void offsetSet ( string $offset , string $value )
public bool offsetUnset ( string $offset )
final public static string running ([ bool $retphar = true ] )
public bool setAlias ( string $alias )
public bool setDefaultStub ([ string $index [, string $webindex ]] )
public void setMetadata ( mixed $metadata )
public void setSignatureAlgorithm ( int $sigtype [, string $privatekey ] )
public bool setStub ( string $stub [, int $len = -1 ] )
public void startBuffering ( void )
public void stopBuffering ( void )
public bool uncompressAllFiles ( void )
final public static bool unlinkArchive ( string $archive )
final public static void webPhar ([ string $alias [, string $index = "index.php" [, string $f404 [, array $mimetypes [, callable $rewrites ]]]]] )
- Phar::addEmptyDir — Add an empty directory to the phar archive
- Phar::addFile — Add a file from the filesystem to the phar archive
- Phar::addFromString — Add a file from the filesystem to the phar archive
- Phar::apiVersion — Returns the api version
- Phar::buildFromDirectory — Construct a phar archive from the files within a directory.
- Phar::buildFromIterator — Construct a phar archive from an iterator.
- Phar::canCompress — Returns whether phar extension supports compression using either zlib or bzip2
- Phar::canWrite — Returns whether phar extension supports writing and creating phars
- Phar::compress — Compresses the entire Phar archive using Gzip or Bzip2 compression
- Phar::compressAllFilesBZIP2 — Compresses all files in the current Phar archive using Bzip2 compression
- Phar::compressAllFilesGZ — Compresses all files in the current Phar archive using Gzip compression
- Phar::compressFiles — Compresses all files in the current Phar archive
- Phar::__construct — Construct a Phar archive object
- Phar::convertToData — Convert a phar archive to a non-executable tar or zip file
- Phar::convertToExecutable — Convert a phar archive to another executable phar archive file format
- Phar::copy — Copy a file internal to the phar archive to another new file within the phar
- Phar::count — Returns the number of entries (files) in the Phar archive
- Phar::createDefaultStub — Create a phar-file format specific stub
- Phar::decompress — Decompresses the entire Phar archive
- Phar::decompressFiles — Decompresses all files in the current Phar archive
- Phar::delMetadata — Deletes the global metadata of the phar
- Phar::delete — Delete a file within a phar archive
- Phar::extractTo — Extract the contents of a phar archive to a directory
- Phar::getMetadata — Returns phar archive meta-data
- Phar::getModified — Return whether phar was modified
- Phar::getSignature — Return MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512/OpenSSL signature of a Phar archive
- Phar::getStub — Return the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive
- Phar::getSupportedCompression — Return array of supported compression algorithms
- Phar::getSupportedSignatures — Return array of supported signature types
- Phar::getVersion — Return version info of Phar archive
- Phar::hasMetadata — Returns whether phar has global meta-data
- Phar::interceptFileFuncs — instructs phar to intercept fopen, file_get_contents, opendir, and all of the stat-related functions
- Phar::isBuffering — Used to determine whether Phar write operations are being buffered, or are flushing directly to disk
- Phar::isCompressed — Returns Phar::GZ or PHAR::BZ2 if the entire phar archive is compressed (.tar.gz/tar.bz and so on)
- Phar::isFileFormat — Returns true if the phar archive is based on the tar/phar/zip file format depending on the parameter
- Phar::isValidPharFilename — Returns whether the given filename is a valid phar filename
- Phar::isWritable — Returns true if the phar archive can be modified
- Phar::loadPhar — Loads any phar archive with an alias
- Phar::mapPhar — Reads the currently executed file (a phar) and registers its manifest
- Phar::mount — Mount an external path or file to a virtual location within the phar archive
- Phar::mungServer — Defines a list of up to 4 $_SERVER variables that should be modified for execution
- Phar::offsetExists — determines whether a file exists in the phar
- Phar::offsetGet — Gets a PharFileInfo object for a specific file
- Phar::offsetSet — set the contents of an internal file to those of an external file
- Phar::offsetUnset — remove a file from a phar
- Phar::running — Returns the full path on disk or full phar URL to the currently executing Phar archive
- Phar::setAlias — Set the alias for the Phar archive
- Phar::setDefaultStub — Used to set the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive to the default loader
- Phar::setMetadata — Sets phar archive meta-data
- Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm — set the signature algorithm for a phar and apply it.
- Phar::setStub — Used to set the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive
- Phar::startBuffering — Start buffering Phar write operations, do not modify the Phar object on disk
- Phar::stopBuffering — Stop buffering write requests to the Phar archive, and save changes to disk
- Phar::uncompressAllFiles — Uncompresses all files in the current Phar archive
- Phar::unlinkArchive — Completely remove a phar archive from disk and from memory
- Phar::webPhar — mapPhar for web-based phars. front controller for web applications
User Contributed Notes 2 notes
cornelius dot howl at gmail dot com ¶1 year ago
Onion utility can help you compile a package into a phar file (executable script file or library file)
$ onion.phar compile \
--executable \
--classloader \
--bootstrap scripts/onion.embed \
--lib src \
--lib ../CLIFramework/src \
--lib ../GetOptionKit/src \
--output onion.phar
halfdan ¶5 years ago
Hey, I thought writing a small article about the upcoming functionality and appearance of Phar in php5.3 might be a nice thing. So I did this at http://geekmonkey.org/articles/PHP_Archives - hope to save others some time when working with Phar.
Описание класса phar, примеры использования класса phar.
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