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Поиск по сайту
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PECL odbtp >= 1.1.1)
mssql_fetch_batch — Returns the next batch of records
int mssql_fetch_batch ( resource $result )Returns the next batch of records
Список параметров
result -
The result resource that is being evaluated. This result comes from a call to mssql_query().
Возвращаемые значения
Returns the batch number as an integer.
Пример #1 mssql_fetch_batch() example
// Connect to MSSQL and select the database
$link = mssql_connect('MANGO\SQLEXPRESS', 'sa', 'phpfi');
mssql_select_db('php', $link);
// Send a query
$result = mssql_query('SELECT * FROM [php].[dbo].[people]', $link, 100);
$records = 10;
while ($records >= 0) {
while ($row = mssql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// Do stuff ...
if ($batchsize = mssql_fetch_batch($result)) {
// $batchsize is the number of records left
// in the result, but not shown above
Смотрите также:
Описание на ru2.php.net
Описание на php.ru