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Поиск по сайту
Microsoft SQL Server
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Требования
- Установка
- Настройка во время выполнения
- Типы ресурсов
- Предопределенные константы
- Mssql Функции
- mssql_bind — Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
- mssql_close — Close MS SQL Server connection
- mssql_connect — Open MS SQL server connection
- mssql_data_seek — Moves internal row pointer
- mssql_execute — Executes a stored procedure on a MS SQL server database
- mssql_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
- mssql_fetch_assoc — Returns an associative array of the current row in the result
- mssql_fetch_batch — Returns the next batch of records
- mssql_fetch_field — Get field information
- mssql_fetch_object — Fetch row as object
- mssql_fetch_row — Get row as enumerated array
- mssql_field_length — Get the length of a field
- mssql_field_name — Get the name of a field
- mssql_field_seek — Seeks to the specified field offset
- mssql_field_type — Gets the type of a field
- mssql_free_result — Free result memory
- mssql_free_statement — Free statement memory
- mssql_get_last_message — Returns the last message from the server
- mssql_guid_string — Converts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string
- mssql_init — Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
- mssql_min_error_severity — Sets the minimum error severity
- mssql_min_message_severity — Sets the minimum message severity
- mssql_next_result — Move the internal result pointer to the next result
- mssql_num_fields — Gets the number of fields in result
- mssql_num_rows — Gets the number of rows in result
- mssql_pconnect — Open persistent MS SQL connection
- mssql_query — Send MS SQL query
- mssql_result — Get result data
- mssql_rows_affected — Returns the number of records affected by the query
- mssql_select_db — Select MS SQL database
User Contributed Notes 11 notes
exidas at madnes dot eu ¶4 years ago
$tables = array();
$columns = array();
while($fet_tbl = MSSQL_Fetch_Assoc($all)) { // PUSH ALL TABLES AND COLUMNS INTO THE ARRAY
$tables[] = $fet_tbl[TABLE_NAME];
$columns[] = $fet_tbl[COLUMN_NAME];
$sltml = array_count_values($tables); // HOW MANY COLUMNS ARE IN THE TABLE
foreach($sltml as $table_name => $id) {
echo "<h2>". $table_name ." (". $id .")</h2><ol>";
for($i = 0; $i <= $id-1; $i++) {
echo "<li>". $columns[$i] ."</li>";
bryanpiercecap at gmail dot com ¶1 year ago
function mssql_insert_id() {
$id = 0;
$res = mssql_query("SELECT @@identity AS id");
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$id = $row["id"];
return $id;
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