
(PECL mongo >= 1.5.0)

MongoWriteBatch::add — Adds a write operation to a batch


public bool MongoWriteBatch::add ( array $item )

Adds a write operation to the batch.

If $item causes the batch to exceed the » maxWriteBatchSize or » maxBsonObjectSize limits, the driver will internally split the batches into multiple write commands upon calling MongoWriteBatch::execute().

Список параметров


- An array that describes a write operation. The structure of this value depends on the batch's operation type.
Batch type Argument expectation
MongoWriteBatch::COMMAND_INSERT The document to add.

Raw update operation.

Required keys are "q" and "u", which correspond to the $criteria and $new_object parameters of MongoCollection::update(), respectively.

Optional keys are "multi" and "upsert", which correspond to the "multiple" and "upsert" options for MongoCollection::update(), respectively. If unspecified, both options default to FALSE.


Raw delete operation.

Required keys are: "q" and "limit", which correspond to the $criteria parameter and "justOne" option of MongoCollection::remove(), respectively.

The "limit" option is an integer; however, MongoDB only supports 0 (i.e. remove all matching documents) and 1 (i.e. remove at most one matching document) at this time.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE on success and throws an exception on failure.


  • Exception on parameter parsing failures
  • Exception on argument validation errors (e.g. missing keys)


Пример #1 MongoWriteBatch::add() example

Batching up multiple insert operations

$mc = new MongoClient("localhost");
$collection = $mc->selectCollection("test", "test");
$docs = array();
$docs[] = array("my" => "demo");
$docs[] = array("is" => "working");
$docs[] = array("pretty" => "well");
$batch = new MongoInsertBatch($collection);
foreach($docs as $document) {
$batch->execute(array("w" => 1));

Пример #2 MongoWriteBatch::add() example

Batching up multiple update operations

$mc = new MongoClient("localhost");
$collection = $mc->selectCollection("test", "test");
$item1 = array(
    "q" => array("my" => "demo"),
    "u" => array('$set' => array("try" => 1)),
    "multi"  => false, /* default value */
    "upsert" => false, /* default value */
$item2 = array(
    "q" => array("is" => "working"),
    "u" => array('$set' => array("try" => 2)),
    "multi" => true,
$item3 = array(
    "q" => array("created" => "new-document"),
    "u" => array('$set' => array("try" => 3)),
    "upsert" => true,
$batch = new MongoUpdateBatch($collection);
$batch->execute(array("w" => 1));

Пример #3 MongoWriteBatch::add() example

Batching up multiple delete operations

$mc = new MongoClient("localhost");
$collection = $mc->selectCollection("test", "test");
$item1 = array(
    "q" => array("my" => "demo"),
    "limit" => 1,
$item2 = array(
    "q" => array("try" => 3),
    "limit" => 1,
$batch = new MongoDeleteBatch($collection);
$batch->execute(array("w" => 1));

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Описание класса mongowritebatch, примеры использования класса mongowritebatch.

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