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The Memcached class
(Информация о версии неизвестна, возможно, только в SVN)
Represents a connection to a set of memcached servers.
Обзор классов
Memcached {
__construct ([ string $persistent_id ] )
public bool add ( string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public bool addByKey ( string $server_key , string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public bool addServer ( string $host , int $port [, int $weight = 0 ] )
public bool addServers ( array $servers )
public bool append ( string $key , string $value )
public bool appendByKey ( string $server_key , string $key , string $value )
public bool cas ( float $cas_token , string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public bool casByKey ( float $cas_token , string $server_key , string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public int decrement ( string $key [, int $offset = 1 ] )
public bool delete ( string $key [, int $time = 0 ] )
public bool deleteByKey ( string $server_key , string $key [, int $time = 0 ] )
public array fetch ( void )
public array fetchAll ( void )
public bool flush ([ int $delay = 0 ] )
public mixed get ( string $key [, callback $cache_cb [, float &$cas_token ]] )
public mixed getByKey ( string $server_key , string $key [, callback $cache_cb [, float &$cas_token ]] )
public bool getDelayed ( array $keys [, bool $with_cas [, callback $value_cb ]] )
public bool getDelayedByKey ( string $server_key , array $keys [, bool $with_cas [, callback $value_cb ]] )
public mixed getMulti ( array $keys [, array &$cas_tokens [, int $flags ]] )
public array getMultiByKey ( string $server_key , array $keys [, string &$cas_tokens [, int $flags ]] )
public mixed getOption ( int $option )
public int getResultCode ( void )
public string getResultMessage ( void )
public array getServerByKey ( string $server_key )
public array getServerList ( void )
public array getStats ( void )
public array getVersion ( void )
public int increment ( string $key [, int $offset = 1 ] )
public bool prepend ( string $key , string $value )
public bool prependByKey ( string $server_key , string $key , string $value )
public bool replace ( string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public bool replaceByKey ( string $server_key , string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public bool set ( string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public bool setByKey ( string $server_key , string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )
public bool setMulti ( array $items [, int $expiration ] )
public bool setMultiByKey ( string $server_key , array $items [, int $expiration ] )
public bool setOption ( int $option , mixed $value )
- Memcached::add — Add an item under a new key
- Memcached::addByKey — Add an item under a new key on a specific server
- Memcached::addServer — Add a server to the server pool
- Memcached::addServers — Add multiple servers to the server pool
- Memcached::append — Append data to an existing item
- Memcached::appendByKey — Append data to an existing item on a specific server
- Memcached::cas — Compare and swap an item
- Memcached::casByKey — Compare and swap an item on a specific server
- Memcached::__construct — Create a Memcached instance
- Memcached::decrement — Decrement numeric item's value
- Memcached::delete — Delete an item
- Memcached::deleteByKey — Delete an item from a specific server
- Memcached::fetch — Fetch the next result
- Memcached::fetchAll — Fetch all the remaining results
- Memcached::flush — Invalidate all items in the cache
- Memcached::get — Retrieve an item
- Memcached::getByKey — Retrieve an item from a specific server
- Memcached::getDelayed — Request multiple items
- Memcached::getDelayedByKey — Request multiple items from a specific server
- Memcached::getMulti — Retrieve multiple items
- Memcached::getMultiByKey — Retrieve multiple items from a specific server
- Memcached::getOption — Retrieve a Memcached option value
- Memcached::getResultCode — Return the result code of the last operation
- Memcached::getResultMessage — Return the message describing the result of the last operation
- Memcached::getServerByKey — Map a key to a server
- Memcached::getServerList — Get the list of the servers in the pool
- Memcached::getStats — Get server pool statistics
- Memcached::getVersion — Get server pool version info
- Memcached::increment — Increment numeric item's value
- Memcached::prepend — Prepend data to an existing item
- Memcached::prependByKey — Prepend data to an existing item on a specific server
- Memcached::replace — Replace the item under an existing key
- Memcached::replaceByKey — Replace the item under an existing key on a specific server
- Memcached::set — Store an item
- Memcached::setByKey — Store an item on a specific server
- Memcached::setMulti — Store multiple items
- Memcached::setMultiByKey — Store multiple items on a specific server
- Memcached::setOption — Set a Memcached option
Описание класса memcached, примеры использования класса memcached.
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Описание на php.ru