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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5)
imagefttext — Write text to the image using fonts using FreeType 2
array imagefttext ( resource $image , float $size , float $angle , int $x , int $y , int $color , string $fontfile , string $text [, array $extrainfo ] )Список параметров
image -
Ресурс изображения, полученный одной из функций создания изображений, например, такой как imagecreatetruecolor().
size -
The font size to use in points.
angle -
The angle in degrees, with 0 degrees being left-to-right reading text. Higher values represent a counter-clockwise rotation. For example, a value of 90 would result in bottom-to-top reading text.
x -
The coordinates given by x and y will define the basepoint of the first character (roughly the lower-left corner of the character). This is different from the imagestring(), where x and y define the upper-left corner of the first character. For example, "top left" is 0, 0.
y -
The y-ordinate. This sets the position of the fonts baseline, not the very bottom of the character.
color -
The index of the desired color for the text, see imagecolorexact().
fontfile -
The path to the TrueType font you wish to use.
Depending on which version of the GD library PHP is using, when fontfile does not begin with a leading / then .ttf will be appended to the filename and the library will attempt to search for that filename along a library-defined font path.
When using versions of the GD library lower than 2.0.18, a space character, rather than a semicolon, was used as the 'path separator' for different font files. Unintentional use of this feature will result in the warning message: Warning: Could not find/open font. For these affected versions, the only solution is moving the font to a path which does not contain spaces.
In many cases where a font resides in the same directory as the script using it the following trick will alleviate any include problems.
// Set the enviroment variable for GD
putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.'));
// Name the font to be used (note the lack of the .ttf extension)
$font = 'SomeFont';
text -
Text to be inserted into image.
extrainfo -
Key | Type | Meaning |
linespacing | float | Defines drawing linespacing |
Возвращаемые значения
This function returns an array defining the four points of the box, starting in the lower left and moving counter-clockwise:
0 | lower left x-coordinate |
1 | lower left y-coordinate |
2 | lower right x-coordinate |
3 | lower right y-coordinate |
4 | upper right x-coordinate |
5 | upper right y-coordinate |
6 | upper left x-coordinate |
7 | upper left y-coordinate |
Пример #1 imagefttext() example
// Create a 300x100 image
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(300, 100);
$red = imagecolorallocate($im, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
// Make the background red
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 299, 99, $red);
// Path to our ttf font file
$font_file = './arial.ttf';
// Draw the text 'PHP Manual' using font size 13
imagefttext($im, 13, 0, 105, 55, $black, $font_file, 'PHP Manual');
// Output image to the browser
header('Content-Type: image/png');
Результат выполнения:
Замечание: Эта функция нуждается в GD версии 2.0.1 или выше.
Замечание: Эта функция доступна только в случае, если PHP был скомплирован с поддержкой freetype (--with-freetype-dir=DIR )
Смотрите также:
Описание на ru2.php.net
Описание на php.ru