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(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0)
DOMNode::C14NFile — Canonicalize nodes to a file
public int DOMNode::C14NFile ( string $uri [, bool $exclusive [, bool $with_comments [, array $xpath [, array $ns_prefixes ]]]] )Canonicalize nodes to a file.
Список параметров
uriPath to write the output to.
exclusiveEnable exclusive parsing of only the nodes matched by the provided xpath or namespace prefixes.
with_commentsRetain comments in output.
xpathAn array of xpaths to filter the nodes by.
ns_prefixesAn array of namespace prefixes to filter the nodes by.
Возвращаемые значения
Number of bytes written или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки
Смотрите также
- DOMNode::C14N() - Canonicalize nodes to a string
Описание класса domnode, примеры использования класса domnode.
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