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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)
deaggregate — Removes the aggregated methods and properties from an object
void deaggregate ( object $object [, string $class_name ] )Removes the methods and properties from classes that were aggregated to an object.
Список параметров
object -
class_name -
If the optional class_name parameters is passed, only those methods and properties defined in that class are removed, otherwise all aggregated methods and properties are eliminated.
Возвращаемые значения
Эта функция не возвращает значения после выполнения.
Смотрите также
- aggregate() - Dynamic class and object aggregation of methods and properties
- aggregate_methods() - Dynamic class and object aggregation of methods
- aggregate_methods_by_list() - Selective dynamic class methods aggregation to an object
- aggregate_methods_by_regexp() - Selective class methods aggregation to an object using a regular expression
- aggregate_properties() - Dynamic aggregation of class properties to an object
- aggregate_properties_by_list() - Selective dynamic class properties aggregation to an object
- aggregate_properties_by_regexp() - Selective class properties aggregation to an object using a regular expression
- deaggregate()
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